姓名: 纪顺洪
学位: 管理学博士(上海财经大学)
职称: 讲师
所属教研室: 工商管理系
研究领域: 组织行为与人力资源管理
研究方向: 工作设计、领导力、人力资源开发
电子邮箱: jishunhong@jsu.edu.cn
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(72271150),参与,在研。
[2] 国家社科基金青年项目(22CGL015),参与,在研。
[3] 上海财经大学研究生创新基金(CXJJ-2021-396),主持,已结项。
[4] 上海财经大学研究生创新基金(CXJJ-2020-403),参与,已结项。
[1] Ji, S., & Chen, Z. How job crafters are selected during recruitment: An invisible filter based on crafting behavior and gender stereotype. [J]. Journal of Business Research. 2024, 170, 114348. (SSCI,JCR 1区, IF = 11.5).
[2] Ji, S. Individual job crafting and supervisory support: An examination of supervisor attribution and crafter credibility. [J]. Psychology Research and Behavior Management. 2022, 15, 1853–1869. (SSCI,JCR 1区, IF = 4.5)
[3] Lyu, L.*, Ji, S.*, Chen, J., Jiang, G., & Zhang, H. How distributed leadership fosters individual leadership emergence: The mediating role of empowerment role identity and enacted leader identity. [J]. Systems. 2023, 11(2), 77–96. (SSCI,JCR 2区, *共同一作, IF = 2.5)
[4] Xu, G., Shen, Y., Ji, S. *, & Xing, Q. Knowledge sharing of employees who are envied by their workmates: A resource perspective. [J]. Social Behavior and Personality: An international journal. 2021, 49(12), 1–11. (SSCI,JCR 4区, *通讯作者, IF = 1.7)
[5] Ji, S., Chen, Z., & Cangiano, F. (2021). Proactivity and well-being: Initiating changes to fuel life energy. In Chia-Huei Wu, and Kelly Z. Peng (Eds.), Emotion and Proactivity at Work: Prospects and Dialogues (pp. 277–298). Bristol University Press.
[6] 吕乐娣, 纪顺洪, 张昊民. (2024). 人人都是主人翁:分布式领导对员工领导力涌现行为的影响研究. [J]. 经济管理. 2024, (01): 151-168.(CSSCI)
[7] 陈志俊, 纪顺洪, 张辉华. 自下而上提升组织绩效的主动尝试:基于动态过程视角的工作重塑. [J]. 心理科学进展. 2023, 31(10), 1814-1827. (CSSCI)
[8] 纪顺洪, 陈兴淋. 美国出口管制影响中国产业技术创新机理研究. [J].上海经济研究, 2017, (01): 60-67.(CSSCI)
[1] 中国优秀硕士学位论文数据库收录